Thursday, 3 May 2012

Final Draft Script

Here the script has been changed to suit around the new actor more, for example past flashback about being thrown out by his wife has been changed to his Mother;

[off screen]


 Yeah, Id say it’s got way out of control.


You’d have thought I would have wised up by now.

ext. central Sheffield. early morning.

Gary, A young man of 25 is stood within a city landscape, some greenery and a park bench can be seen out of focus. He has ruffled black hair, unshaven however not untidy, and tanned skin. He is from a working class background. The man walks into focus of the camera with a grin.


I'd say iv always tried to stay positive, you've got to be today,, with all the conflict and shit! and to be honest I've had my share of it.

(Nervous chuckles)

Gary looks nervous almost as if he's holding something back. Any incline to this is dismissed by Gary shaking it off with a grin.

I wouldn't say I've got too many hobbies or interests, I suppose I quite like been creative, drawing and such. I sometimes go to the free ones just to have some quiet time.

I used to be quite into keeping healthy, I'd go walking with my mate Ben and in the summer we'd meet up with the lads and find a beer garden for a cheeky pint!..

I remember when i was in a kid, i was having a kick about in the back garden. Lets just say the neighbors new, posh green house didn't stand a chance.

Gary stops and kicks the air and looks into the distance as if he is reenacting. The sound of glass smashing is added over the top as the words are spoken.


Got into some rate trouble for that...

Gary's mum

GARRY!! What you done now!?
Gary gives a shy smile, whilst his mum shouts.


ext. Scenic Location. Behind train station/norfolk park.

Gary is walking along side camera, his happy go lucky attitude can be seen as he walks along pushing something out of shot. Occasionally though, his gaze wonders almost like he is daydreaming , and its then that hints towards something deeper that troubles him.

Family life's crazy, always ups and downs. Me and my dad have always had our differences, but he has always done his best for me, so has my mum. We can be shoutin' and swearin' one minute and the next we will be in stitches laughin' at each other.

(Gary stops suddenly and reaches straight for his pockets and pulls out a ragged wallet. CU of wallet. Gary pulls out what looks out what looks like multiple pieces of paper from the wallet and flicks through them, we see several scratch cards and betting slips before coming to a picture of a baby.)


This is my younger brother.

(smiles to himself)

I'd like to be there for him while he grows up, fending of the bullies.


Gary is in the same location as before, sat on a bench.


The best holiday I had with my family, from before my brother was born.

(Pauses and seems to drift of in his own world after a while a smile comes on his face and he starts to laugh, Audio sounds of beach, such as children and waves)

We parked up on the beach front, me and my mum looked at each other, we thought he'd gone mad.....he had stripped down to his boxers and was of running down the beach in the pouring rain, mental! The crazy fuck went for a swim in torrential rain,

(laughs to himself)

think he went a bit mad stuck in a small caravan with me and mum. (pauses)

He proper made that holiday for me.


Same walking location as before.

Gary is just putting the wallet back into his jeans. As he does so, a stack of scratch cards fall out of his pocket. He scrambles to the floor trying to quickly pick them up, making embarrassed glances to camera.


I'm not close to my family anymore, nobody to blame other than myself i guess.

I'd started hanging round with an older crowd,looking back now it was a bad idea to be honest. We would all go to the dogs, or the footie and would always place bets, i felt like I'd have to join in....It just got out of control, every time I'd win it was the best feeling ever, like a thrill, a kind of high.



My family didn't find out for a while, it got hard to keep it from them, i was always asking to borrow money.


Gary is stood facing an older woman, his head is hanging in shame. The Woman is his mother and has her purse in her hand. She takes a few notes out and hands them over to Gary.

(Voice over)


I knew she knew what i was doing, but she didn't tell my dad, if she did then all hell would have broke loose.



When they confronted me about it, it wasn't a great day.

It was so humiliating, they had found out I'd been stealing there stuff to sell it, so I could have money. It was the time when I stole a necklace of my mother’s that belonged to her dead mother.


Gary is walking out of the house with a big bag full of his belongings.



So yeah, my life has changed a lot since then. It's been like this for about a year now.

When i got chucked out, Ben, my best mates helped me through it, he was there for me, i cannot thank him enough.

But for now I'm on the streets, scraping by.

I need to build myself up again. It gets pretty lonely on the streets, everyone needs someone there for them no matter who it is.

TWO-SHOT: Gary and his dog, Ben.

Don't we Ben, Lad!

He feeds the dog a biscuit and ruffles his head. He gets up and walks off with the dog lead in one hand and pushing a trolley.

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