A Matter of Life and Death" (1946) a romantic fantasy film set in World War II by the British director Michael Powell, the film follows David Niven who plays as a WW2 fighter pilot who is forced to jump out of his plane with no parachute. He then wakes on a beach unharmed or injured. The high courts of heaven made a mistake as he should have died but "could not find him" due to "Typical" English weather. Throughout the film the high courts decide whether or not he should be brought up to heaven or remain on earth - in court explaining both the good and bad parts of his present life.
Me and Ben loved this film and have taken some inspiration to it. We have tried to create a similar scenario of death and being guided the choice on what happens next. However we are looking into flashback sequences instead. On the other hand you could argue that this has little relevance to our audio project or the use of binaural sound and just briefly has some similarities in terms of plot.
Our plot is done through the eyes of the protagonist for immersion purposes and also has several other inspirations (refer to blog)
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