Thursday, 15 December 2011

A new script?!

Me and Ben met up today and shared script ideas - these ultimately lead to a complete change in script.
Ben had the idea of the audio project again being through the eyes of the protagonist (audience) 1st person effect.  The protagonist will be killed within the first 20 seconds of script (either murder - gun shot, argument out of control or car accident or hit by a car whilst crossing road.) From here there will be a brief silence before a roar of sounds syncing and mixed together in the edit arise and then again in silence. Voice on the other side of the room ultimately describes to the audience where you now are. The voice circles the protagonist creating a sense of space (tie clip mics in full effect) still speaking in riddle. He soon suggests looking at his SINS. Morph affect - glass smash plus roar of car again?
Drops in water and submerged - second character now shouts at protagonist (muffled effect processing to as he's still trapped under water) Transition to flashback scene in which he has an argument with his wife "How could you, I loved you"  - Character 2 voice softens " however on the other hand"  pulls him from water (choking and coughing sound) - Ambience is played | multiple sound recorded to recreated a summers day setting on field, bird tweets and trees etc. Child in the distance laughing.. "Pass the ball dad!” "I love you dad" "Can't we stay?"  - Second character resumes his riddle - (ultimately saying this is his favourite memory of you ) clicks his fingers - and back in large room; silence, slight echo on voice to create a large room feel. Circles protagonist still talking in riddle and says. Now you choose.
Unfortunately this idea was merely talked over and therefore did not write up the idea in full, however Ben has offered to construct a full script for the plan while I gather sound effects and ambience.

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