Thursday, 10 November 2011

Week 13 - Script idea (Monday)

I put together a brief outlie of a script idea / concept behind the film which was also printed and given to Amy so that we could plan ahead and make any last minute chnages if required.

(orignally in a word document)

Brief Idea for Edale shooting. – Reflective experimental film
·         Focused around girl holding strong religious views
·         Open with a bible quote
·         Fades in first shot (black out white) pull focus onto bible with the girl getting ready to go out in the background, to clear her mind (Edale )
·         External city shots – tracking the girl with Split editing (e.g. “24” style ) Again with significant focus on the bible she is clutching (Still black and white)
·         Walks into train station with split editing again – establishing shots included (message board, people buying tickets etc)  still in black and white
·         Cut to shot of girl on a train, head against window.. bible on the seat next to her. Black and white.
·         Train comes to a stop, girl hints a smile and walks past the camera and out of shot. Black and white.
·         A sharp cut to external shot (edale), girl walks past camera into the shot. Her back is only visible as she walks up a hill towards an oak tree at the top. Colours return fully here..With added colour correction added to the green grass.
·         Cuts to split editing. Tracking her movements.
·         Within same frame she looks left, the split editing on the left side of the frame changes to what she can see (p.o.v) This is repeated on the right side with a shot of a cow/sheep (if poss). Bible quote involving the animal appears in the bottom right of the frame i.e. involving Sheppard etc..
·         From here a montage sequence follows with multiple different tracking shots and just general shots of edale as a place as on overlay on top of the tracking shots of the girl.
·         Including shots of a couple walking past, a group of friends having fun – In hope to create a sense of mystery on the viewer (what is she thinking about; what’s her past)
·         The editing style from this point seems to slow down to reflect her mood – reflective but content with her surroundings.
·         She sits up by a big tree at the top of the hill and looks out over the fields
·         She goes into her bag and retrieves the bible opening at her book mark which consists of a photograph.
·         Close up of the photograph as she picks it up. The photograph is herself with either a ex boyfriend/girlfriend or a group of friends. Bible quote appears in the bottom right relating to friends/love life?
·         Cut to her facial expression.. at first seems upset but a quick smile says otherwise. She puts the photograph down and perches the bible on her crossed legs and begins to flick through. It begins to rain but she doesn’t flinch.  
·         Camera moves behind the girls now, the shot includes hills in the background and herself in the lower right part of the frame with her head buried in a book.  This forms a 15 minute time lapse.
·         Begins to get dark and she retrieves her things and begins walking back the way she came. Looking left and right like she did before but now much happier.
·         Arrives at train station. Shot from behind girl as train pulls up and she gets on. As door begins to close. Black and white is key framed into the shot, until the doors close and it’s completely black and white again.
·         Cuts to credits.

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