Thursday, 10 November 2011

Week 13 -Shot list (Wednesday)

I have put together a brief shot list that will be printed out and used on the day. This will prevent me and Amy missing any vital shots required on the day, where as without the list we could easily forget potentially ruining our film.

(originally a word document)

Thursday 27th shot list (Edale trip)

AM  / 10-12PM
AM 1) Shot on train  - on route to Edale ( interior) See story board #6
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

AM 2) Open colour shot / top of hill – strong daylight preferred (see storyboard #7)
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

AM 3) Forest location – reading bible sun shining on her face / book if possible (see storyboard #8)
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

AM 4) Same scene – close up on book and face
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

AM 5) Tracking shots x 3
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

AM Establishing shots ) Forest location, tracking, river / stream, stone terrain, wildlife.
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ___________________

PM  / 1-5pm (some scenes need less sunlight to show passage of time)
PM 1) Mountain top scene – Amy on rock reflecting
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

PM 2) Over shoulder shot with photograph
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

PM 3) Photo burial within rocks
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

PM Establishing shots)  Forest location, tracking, river / stream, stone terrain, wildlife. Used in contrast with shots earlier in the day.. passage of time etc.
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

Friday 28th shot list (opening part of film and shots involving trains)
FRIDAY S1 – Interior, pull focus bible (on table) to Amy just walking in (see storyboard #1)
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

FRIDAY S2 - Interior, close up – Amy’s placing bible into bag
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

FRIDAY S3 -  interior – Mid shot – Amy placing bible into bag then looking out of window  (see storyboard #2)
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

FRIDAY S4 – Exterior tracking shot – busy high street
Complete?   Y    N          If not why ____________________

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